Make a List and Check it Twice!- A little planning goes a long way, especially during the season of gift giving. Life is busy enough without the extra tasks that come along with the holidays. A simple trick to help you stay organized is a good, old fashioned, handwritten list. Get in the habit (if you haven’t already) of making a list before bedtime of what you need to accomplish the following day. Review your list first thing in the morning, and strategize the best approach to tackling each task. Then, carry your list in your pocket as you go about your day. Try to check it once more, halfway through the day, to check off what you’ve accomplished and what more needs to be done.

Keep Yourself Off the Naughty List!- Don’t skip out on the things you know you need to stay happy and healthy this holiday season. Prioritize your well-being and make sure to set aside time to work-out, mediate, and get enough rest. To get the most out of your workout time, book a private yoga or workout session with one of our instructors. Not only will you be more likely to keep the commitment, you will also get more out of our personalized one-on-one session than you would working out on your own or taking a public fitness class. *If you do slip up and miss a workout, indulge with dessert or drink an extra glass of wine. Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just get back to your routine the next day!

Be Present! – Try to enjoy your time with family and friends this season! If you begin to feel overwhelmed with holiday perfections, focus on what’s important and let go of what’s not. Ten years from now, you will remember the people who gathered at your table, not if the pie was homemade or store bought.