5 Quick Healthy Snacks

5 Quick Healthy Snacks

1. Trader Joe’s Go-Raw Trek Mix– You have the option to purchase individually packaged portions to make on the go snacking even more easy! The individual packs can be easily carried in your purse or car, and are great in a bind (like being hangry while stuck in...
What Does It Mean To “Be Well”?

What Does It Mean To “Be Well”?

  “Being well” is a way of living, a perspective you choose to view your life through. It’s the habits you allow yourself to create, and it’s an awareness of yourself and what you need to feel happy, whole, and complete. “Being well” may portray the idea of a...
Fresh Salad Meal Prep with Tuna and Dill

Fresh Salad Meal Prep with Tuna and Dill

Try this meal prep for fresh healthy lunches this week, it makes about 4 large salads. Let us know what you think! Mix peppers, onions, celery, and dill. Separate spinach into four meal prep containers and top with vegetable mixture. When you’re ready to eat it,...

Fatty Friends and Foes

A diet HIGH in good-for-you fats and LOW in bad-for-you fats will: Make you feel more satisfied Increase calorie burning Lower risk of breast cancer Lower risk of heart attack Lower risk of type 2 diabetes Here is what you need to know when it comes to fat,...